Grow Asparagus with Success

We’re the World’s 1st Choice for
Premium Green Asparagus Hybrids
Find Out Why
  • Guelph Millennium

    A long lived, commercially proven asparagus variety
    This is the most widely planted all-male green asparagus variety throughout the largest asparagus producing regions in North America. Proven to show high yields and high-quality spears even after 20+ years in production.
    Picture of product Guelph Millennium
  • Guelph Eclipse

    An established, top-quality asparagus variety for commercial production
    Guelph Eclipse is an established, all-male asparagus hybrid best suited for green asparagus production. It is winter hardy in temperate and continenta…
    Picture of product Guelph Eclipse
  • Guelph Equinox

    A NEW superior asparagus variety for commercial production
    This is our highest yielding all-male green asparagus cultivar. It shows consistently high marketable yields thanks to its outstanding uniformity duri…
    Picture of product Guelph Equinox

A History Of Success

Fox Seeds is intrinsically linked to the Asparagus Farmers of Ontario with whom our breeding program has an established history of commercial success. We specialize in developing improved varieties of green asparagus adapted to a continental climate. Our asparagus thrives in cold winters and warm summers. If you are looking for consistent high yields within and across seasons, you will benefit from planting our asparagus…

Intrinsically linked to, and working with Ontario asparagus farmers

We’re invested in the success of what we offer